Halloween is upon us, and with it will come visions of ghosts, little demons and goblins. We will treat them at our doors with assorted sweets or else face their devilish “tricks” (or so says tradition). It is a fun time for kids, and parents alike.
This is a good time to look back at the very first “Trick or Treat” in man’s history. Satan donned his “serpent” mask and came knocking on Eve’s door in the garden of Eden. He “tricked” her in to eating a “treat” which had been forbidden by God. “God has said, ‘You shall not eat from it or touch it, or you will die’” The serpent said to the woman, “you surely will not die!” (Ge. 3:3,4). Satan’s trick upon Eve brought death upon all mankind.
The devil continues today with his tricks of deceptions, and his treats of addictions, crime, murder and worldliness. “One church is as good as another,” “baptism is not necessary to salvation,” or “Once saved always saved,” are deceptions that has Satan’s fingerprints all over them. “And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world!” (Re. 12:9). He wears many masks and has a wardrobe of costumes to deceive the world. Will you to be deceived when he comes knocking on your door?
-Dennis Doughty