What was a salt covenant?


1. There were times when soldiers received “salt” as part of their pay.
2. Some carried pouches containing salt and actually paid for items by handing over a “pinch of salt.”
3. In the book of Job (6:6) we find a reference to eating unsalted food.


i) In about a fourth of these places we read about the “Salt Sea” (this is also known as the “Dead Sea”).
ii) The “Salt Sea” is mentioned in Genesis, Numbers, Deuteronomy, and most often in Joshua.

2) Gen. 19:26.
i) Gen. 19:17 tells us Lot and his family made it safely out of Sodom.
ii) Lot and his family were told to keep going; it was necessary to “escape” and “not look back.”
iii) Lot’s wife (Gen. 19:26) “looked back” and she was turned into a “pillar of salt.”
iv) Was Lot’s wife changed into a pillar of salt IMMEDIATELY or did this change take some time?
3) First “salt lesson”: God does not let people escape.

4) In the Old Testament we find that “salt” was used to say an agreement was binding.
i) Num. 18:19 – “salt covenant.”
ii) 2 Chron. 13:5– READ

5) As salt keeps its flavor, so God keeps His word whether we are dealing with one promise or 10,000 promises.
6) If God never fails, what about us? Might we be inclined at times to think God forgets?

7) Lev. 2:13.


1) Mt. 5:13 – READ
2) In the Greek text the idea is, “You and you alone.”
3) We may look upon a radio show host or a tv personality who speaks to millions and think: “There is salt.”
4) Jesus says WE are the salt – the members of His church – we are (PRESENT TENSE) the “salt” of the earth.
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6) Being like salt means we agitate, stir up minds, and cause others to think because of our influence.
7) Col. 4:6 – speech “seasoned with salt.”
8) Suppose this verse said: “Let your speech be seasoned with chili peppers.”
9) Going back to Jesus’ point in the Sermon on the Mount (Mt. 5:13), Jesus said His people can “lose their saltiness.”
i) If we fail to be God’s people who are distinctive and stand out in the world, what good are we?
ii) “Salt is good” (Mk. 9:50) unless it loses its saltiness.
iii) Christians who lose their salt deserve to be thrown out on the street and trodden under foot of men.

10) Lot’s wife became a “pillar of salt,” but she was not the kind of salt God desired.
11) What about us? Are we a salty person in the sense the Lord used this term?

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