To understand why we use the name, “church of Christ,” one must of necessity understand the foundational truth of Christ’s establishment of His one church. Christ did not establish denominationalism; men did. Furthermore, Christ did not place one particular name on His church as do those in denominationalism. His church is described in many ways in the Bible. It is referred to as:
— “the kingdom of God” (Acts 1.3)
— “the church” (Acts 2.47; 5.11; 8.1; 12.1; 13.1)
— “The churches of Christ” (Rom. 16.16)
— “the church of God” (1Cor. 1.2)
— “the body of Christ” (1 Cor 12.27 Eph. 1.22,23)
— “the church of the living God” (1Tim. 2.15)
Now, in referring to the one church that Jesus established it would be perfectly biblical to use one of the names just mentioned as long as we understood to what we were referring (i.e., the one church that Jesus built, not a denomination that may falsely wear one of the names above!).
But, why do we call ourselves “the church of Christ” and not another name in the above list??? The answer really is simple. To use the name of the One that founded the church honors Him Who found it! Those in the religious world understand this. The name “Lutheran” honors Luther. The name “Christ” honors Christ. Why would we desire to honor a man when in the church we should honor Christ? To use the name, “the church of Christ,” describes us as being those who have been called out of the world and into Christ, simple New Testament Christians (followers of Christ!). To use a name that has been coined since the time that Christ established His church is to dishonor Him and it becomes something other than a New Testament church. The church belongs to Christ; let us show this ownership and never be ashamed of it! Think about it!
Kevin Williams